New York Glass Association Safety Group #476
Friday, August 9, 2024
To ensure the long-term success and sustainability of the safety group, NYSIF required that we form a safety advisory committee for the safety group at our recent renewal meeting. The safety advisory committee members were appointed, our first meeting was held on 5/28/2024, and during our meeting we discussed and conclude the following:
The best way to control workers' comp costs is to prevent injuries in the workplace. Fewer injuries mean less lost time, more productivity, and fewer costly claims. Accomplishing this requires a management commitment to the safety and health of employees.
Management commitment supports safety efforts and encourages worker participation in your safety program. A commitment to safety should be expressed in a clear, simple statement of policy to all employees. A written Safety Policy Statement and a comprehensive written safety program allows the employers to make known their safety commitment to your employees. Demonstrating this commitment fosters a safety culture where workers, supervisors and management promote safety and prevent workplace injuries.
Safe Workplaces
Safe conditions and safety training produce a safe operation. Show new workers the safe way to perform their duties, and periodically provide experienced workers training to reinforce safe work procedures.
- Make workers aware of the self-interest they have in their own safety.
- Develop appropriate training methods.
- Do not permit staff to deviate from safe practices, or tolerate unsafe acts or conditions, in all facets of the operation.
- Display relevant safety posters.
- Remind workers that no one is immune from accidents.
- Conduct Quarterly safety checks
- Establish and enforce a zero-tolerance workplace violence prevention policy.