Aebly & Associates Mobile Apps:
Listed here are the descriptions and links to several of the mobile apps provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. These apps are available on iPhones, Androids, iPod Touches, iPad, Blackberries, Blackberry tablets, Android tablets, Palm OS/web OS and Windows Mobile. Learn about them and download those that can help you track your health! Simply click on the logo of the apps you would like to download to be taken to the App Store. For the full list of all 27 apps, visit the Health & Human Services website.
1. 52 Weeks of Womens Health:
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Contains information on 52 health topics, from “eye health” to “contraception”. Each topic offers lifestyle tips related to the subject. Users learn about the weekly topic and can compile a list of their favorite tips for quick reference. With this app you can also keep track of your own personal health information like medications, allergies and well being. Available on Apple and Android devices.
2. NHLBI Body Mass Index Calculator:
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The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator is a useful tool to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems. The downloadable phone application puts the fully functioning calculator right on your phone, along with links to resources on the NHLBI site. Available on Apple devices.
3. Brrrd Brawl App:
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When the turkeys of Fred’s Family Farm hear the news that a penguin army is on their way to take over, it’s time for a BRRRD BRAWL! This game is a casual mobile game developed in support of Smokefree Teen. It was created to help teens quit smoking by offering a better option for “idle hands”. Available on Apple devices.
4. CDC Field Triage App:
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This is an educational app on injury response for EMS professionals and educators. It includes questions for users to test their knowledge and descriptions of multiple scenarios to test reasoning. This tool provides quick links to the CDC’s Field Triage website, downloadable educational materials, and continuing education. Available on Apple devices.
5. CDC Mobile Tablet App:
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The CDC tablet app brings important health information to your fingertips. It features health articles, background on the ‘disease of the week’, popular journals, timely updates and features real time updates from CDC’s social media accounts. It is updated throughout the year to coincide with important health concerns of the moment. Available on Ipad, Android Tablet and Windows Tablet.
6. Embryo:
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This educational app offers information on pregnancy and the stages of embryo growth. Videos show the how fertilization occurs within the body. 2-D and 3-D images describe the stages of embryo development. You can use this mobile app to follow your pregnancy, or that of family and
7. FluView:
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With this health app, you can track ‘Influenza-Like Illness’ activity levels across the U.S. The CDC is required to track such symptoms as they are reported to health care providers across the country. This app displays such reports in your area, and allows you to compare them to period of high and low flu risk. Available for Iphone.
8. Health Hotlines:
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Health Hotlines is a community service mobile app to help the public locate health-related information. It is a directory of almost 9,000 organizations with toll-free telephone numbers. Subject areas included AIDS, cancer and other diseases and disorders, maternal and child health, aging, substance abuse, disabilities, and mental health. Organizations included in the directory fall into many categories including: government agencies, information and referral centers, professional societies, support groups and voluntary associations. Available on Apple devices.
9. HRSA Find a Health Center:
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Federally-funded health centers will care for you, even if you have no health insurance. Based on your income you pay what you can afford. This mobile app helps you find the nearest health center with the mapping software in your phone. Health centers are located in most cities and many rural areas. Type in a city/state/ZIP or place name and click the ‘Find Center’ button to locate the health center nearest you. Available on Apple and Android devices.